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  • Post-Secondary Institution
    Public or private, 2-year or 4-year postsecondary institution with (does not have NACEP accreditation)

  • Post-Secondary Institution and Annual Accredited Program
    An institution whose CE/DE program is currently accredited through NACEP 

  • Secondary Institution
    Public, public charter, or private high school, school district, secondary career center, or consortia of school districts

  • State Agency/System Office
    State agency or central offices of statewide systems of colleges and universities

  • Partner Organization
    Professional organization, such as an industry or not-for-profit

The primary contact is the individual who will serve as the main contact for the organization and will oversee the login credentials and institutional membership account, along with having an individual NACEP login. For Post-Secondary and Secondary institutions, we recommend the primary contact be someone who's affiliated with your organization's dual/concurrent enrollment program.

The primary contact will receive communications regarding membership and renewal, election and issue voting, special events, and the annual report, if the institution's program has NACEP accreditation.

The primary contact cannot unsubscribe to NACEP emails, as they will not receive pertinent communications regarding the institutional membership account.

If the primary contact is no longer affiliated with your institution, contact us at information@nacep.org with updated information. Failure to do so will result no longer receiving NACEP account communications.

Already have an account or not sure if you have one with us?
Forgot your login and password?
Do you need to know your institution's primary contact?
We are happy to help!
Contact Andrea Roma, Member Services Coordinator at aroma@nacep.org with questions.


Your organization can add an unlimited number of sub-members (who are employees at your organization) under your institutional membership. The primary contact does not need to add themselves as a sub-member.

Make sure to click on the "Choose Existing Contacts" and select the checkbox next to each submember you would like to renew/add to your institutional membership. Once they are added to the membership, they will receive an email to set up their individual NACEP member login.

Once your membership is created/renewed, to manage your sub-member list (add/delete/update), log into your institution's membership account, select "Membership" on the left side menu, then "Manage Submembers" Your institution's primary contact will have the login information for your institutional account.

Already have an account or not sure if you have one with us?
Forgot your login and password?
Do you need to know your institution's primary contact?
We are happy to help!
Contact Andrea Roma, Member Services Coordinator at aroma@nacep.org with questions.

Include a submember in your membership registration

{{ installmentDes }}
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Choose one: 2 year public , 2 year private, 4 year public, 4 year private, industry, high school, foundation, school district, intermediate school/career center
Post-Sec Institutions: Dual/concurrent enrollment program website & All Others: Your main website
Refer to the map (right) or copy/paste this URL: https://bit.ly/3Xb7QIq into your web browser, to identify your Region. Type in the field "Region #", with "#" referring to the Region number your state is in.
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{{subMemberDisplayName}} {{index+1}}: {{getSubMemberName(index)}}
Choose Existing Contact(s)
{{ subInstallmentDes[index] }}
Refer to the map (right) or copy/paste this URL: https://bit.ly/3Xb7QIq into your web browser, to identify your Region. Type in the field "Region #", with "#" referring to the Region number your state is in.
Use format (123) 456-5555
Add {{subMemberDisplayName}}
   Secure Payment
This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
{{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.startDate}} - {{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.endDate}}
Membership auto-renews monthly for {{ formatAutoRenewAmount(orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipInstallment.cost) }} until {{ orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipInstallment.endDate }}
Membership auto-renews on {{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipAutoRenew.renewDate}} for {{formatAutoRenewAmount(orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipAutoRenew.cost)}}
{{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.cost==0?'Free':formatAmount(orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.cost)}} {{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.termName}}
{{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.startDate}} - {{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.endDate}}
Membership auto-renews monthly for {{ formatAutoRenewAmount(orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipInstallment.cost) }} until {{ orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipInstallment.endDate }}
Membership auto-renews on {{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipAutoRenew.renewDate}} for {{formatAutoRenewAmount(orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipAutoRenew.cost)}}
{{sm.userName}} ({{subMemberDisplayName}})
{{sm.cost==0?'Free':formatAmount(sm.cost)}} {{sm.termName}}
{{sm.startDate}} - {{sm.endDate}}
Membership auto-renews monthly for {{ formatAutoRenewAmount(sm.membershipInstallment.cost) }} until {{ sm.membershipInstallment.endDate }}
Membership auto-renews on {{sm.membershipAutoRenew.renewDate}} for {{formatAutoRenewAmount(sm.membershipAutoRenew.cost)}}
Frequency selected: {{recurringUnitText}}. Next add-on payment processes on {{orderSummary.recurringDonationNextDate}} for {{formatAmount(orderSummary.donationAmount)}}

Discount Code


Order summary

Subtotal {{formatAmount(orderSummary.subtotal)}}
Discounts -{{formatAmount(orderSummary.discounts)}}
Total {{formatAmount(orderSummary.total)}}
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Pay Later
or enter your card details below
Payment Form Unable to Load: Your payment form is blocked by a firewall. This is most commonly due to use of an anonymous, untrusted IP address. If you are using a VPN to anonymize your IP, we recommend connecting through your local IP to complete your payment.
{{ccfpInfo.notInGoodMessage || ''}}
Please mail your payment to:
PO Box 578
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
{{ccfpInfo.notInGoodMessage || ''}}
{{formatAmount(totalAmount)}} USD
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NACEP Membership Form